August 05, 2020
Life Purpose
It's a great asset when you need to get your shit together or bring order to chaos. This stone resonates with the human mind like no other crystal.
Fluorite is sometimes known as the 'genius' stone because of its ability to help you reach higher levels of mental clarity, boost aptitude and retain new information. This makes it the perfect stone to use whilst studying and also at work to help you get the job done with a level head.
Fluorite is also a very spiritual stone. It stimulates brain cells and enables both hemispheres of the brain to work together in harmony which increases the consciousness of the mind. This attribute also makes fluorite the perfect stone to break through creative blocks.
Rainbow fluorite is all this and more.
Rainbow fluorite is able to cleanse and repair the auric field and activate and repair all chakras due to its beautiful array of colours.
Rainbow fluorite is a fantastic stone for 'Indigo Children' or children with ADD, ADHD and anyone on the autistic spectrum. It will help them to feel safe and experience simplicity and love.
Heart (green) throat (blue) , third eye (purple) , crown (clear). All (rainbow fluorite)
Moon: Yes. Anytime but around the full moon will have the most benefit.
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February 17, 2023 1 Comment